Don Casamento Memorial Award

   Donald Casamento Memorial Award

The Donald Casamento Award is an annual award that is presented to a volleyball official who has demonstrated his dedication to serving the Northeast Volleyball Association with unselfish devotion, commitment, and service. The nominee must have at least ten years of experience as an official and is chosen through a nominating process by the Awards Committee.  Once the information of each nominee is collected and presented to the Executive Committee, a final decision is made through an executive voting process.

The Executive Board believes this service award, in honor of Donald Casamento, is a fitting way of carrying on his legacy as  a committed and instrumental official within our organization. His dedication of time and effort to serve this association will be a true example of commitment to volleyball officials for years to come.


Previous Winners:

2015-Paul Calocino

2016-Frank Markov

2017-Tony Gennarelli

2018- Ron Deramo

2019-Peter Zubiaurre

2021-John Gojdycz

2022- Bob Csigi